Sunday, May 19, 2013

Ick. Just ick.



What?  Why am I going ick?  I'll explain.  Monday past, I was out in a t-shirt and capris.  THIS is what I get today:

Yup.  Snow.
It started snowing this late last night/early this morning....and it hasn't stopped!  So underfoot it a wet, slushy mess that does nothing but make you cold and wet - I would know, since I went outside to take the damn pictures.
The only  thing this is good for?  I did get some nice pictures.
This is the first flower we see every year.  Poor thing, should have stayed underground for a little while yet!

Dogberry tree that's just starting to leaf out....

So...yup...I'm perfectly justified with the ick. 

Friday, May 3, 2013

Random thoughts...

You've been warned...

Took a fabulous hike (again) this evening, me, my dog, and my cousin. While doing so, my mind tends to go off on tangents.


There were a few seagulls floating around close to shore, and the water was a little choppy.  These birds were just a-floating there, bobbing away.  I couldn't help but wonder;  "do seagulls get seasick"?  Because if they did, that would seriously suck.  For the seagulls, not me.  I'd
probably find that funny.


I REALLY want a bag of Lay's Salt & Vinegar chips...but suffering after is just not worth it.  This, discovered the hard way.  Damn things have lactose in them, which is the death-knell for foods when you're lactose intolerant.  Yeah, I can take a Lactaid, but to eat a few chips?  Not freaking likely.  I could eat another brand, but dammit!  They're just not as good.  So, I'll settle for thinking about them every damn time I go to the store.


And in the midst of all of this, I'm thinking about cake.  Yep, cake. Not eating it, but one that I've been asked to make.  Next weekend, I'm participating in a Party In Pink Zumbathon.  I like doing cakes as a kind of hobby, so my Zumba instructor asked if I could make a cake to celebrate the event.  So while out walking, I`m mentally planning how to execute said cake.  I think I've gotten it figured out. Just maybe.


See?  My mind tends to wander...and those are some of the directions it went.