Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Good intentions...and good riddance

We all know what good intentions do, and where they pave the road to.

I generally have good intentions.  Or, at least, I try to.

I started this blog knowing full well that it's more of a place where I can vent, and and in all likelihood, I'll be the only person ever to read it (not *entirely* true, my Zumba post did get a few reads).

So here's to 2014.  I hope this year is better than the last, as 2013 started out as a dud, with my mother being hospitalized for nearly a month, starting on NYE 2012.

2013 was the year I learned that people judge me on how I walk, automatically assuming that I can't (prospective employers, I'm looking at you!) do something.  It was the year of the ridiculously minor fender-bender that shot my car insurance through the frickin' roof (seriously - it's like highway robbery).   2013 showed me that I'm going to have a really tough time ever getting a job again.  It's not fair, but then, life so rarely is.  Something that my life seems determined to continually teach me...I get it, really I do.

I could go on about the shitty things that happened over the last year, but for the sake of my sanity (and yours, dear fictional reader), I'll stop.  I'll highlight a couple of good things, instead.

Zumba.  The place where I'm never told that I can't do it, ever.

Photo shoot!  I had (along with my cousin) an actual photo shoot done with my bodrahn - I have some preview shots, but they're on my laptop...I'll try to show some of those soon.

Zumba!  I was given the opportunity by my Zumba instructor to take over her class for 4 sessions while she was away just before Christmas.  That's right, *I* led classes!  I has an absolute blast doing it, and it further cemented my absolute love for Zumba, and made me even more determined to get licenced to teach/lead my own classes.

All the best for this year to everyone!
